Old Barney

Old Barney Amateur Radio Club - N2OB

The July 2024 meeting is cancelled. The next club meeting will be on August 7, 2024.

ANNOUNCING! Hamfest At The Shore - (Posted: 03/10/2024)

Join us for Hamfest At The Shore! Sponsored by the Old Barney Amateur Radio Club on Saturday May 11th at the Surf City Firehouse on Long Beach Island.

We are offering tables both inside and outside for those wishing to sell items. Food is available.

Vendors intereseted in obtaining tables please download the application form here.

Old Barney Receives Grant to Help Support Southern Regional HS Radio Club - (Posted: 02/05/2023)

The Old Barney Amateur Radio Club was recently awarded a grant from the ARRL which will be used to further the Southern Regional HS Amateur Radio Club’s activities in promoting amateur radio to their students.

In 2022 the ARRL Foundation announced it would be accepting applications for grants. The Foundation recognized that “Clubs historically have recruited, licensed and trained new radio amateurs and have provided the community setting for radio amateurs to continue their education and training.”

The purpose of these grants was to provide money “enabling them [clubs] to more easily provide and expand on these important services.”

After this program was announced Tom Preiser, N2XW saw the opportunity to use such a grant towards the Southern Regional HS club, which Old Barney has been supporting through the generosity of our members, to teach the students what amateur radio is all about.

The grant application process required a narrative, milestones to be met if the grant was awarded and a proposed budget.

Working with Ira Hosid, N2WAA who is the liaison to the HS club on behalf of Old Barney they developed a plan on how a grant could be used for this purpose.

Ira put together a learning plan for the club with specific objectives to be accomplished during their after school meetings.

Once the plan was completed specific milestones were created and the application process was started. The milestones included (but not limited ):

· Teaching students the basics of amateur radio operation

· Teaching the importance of serving the community with amateur radio

· Teaching the FCC rules and regulations pertaining to amateur radio

· Preparing students to pass the FCC license exam

· Expanding on the various modes of operation amateur radio offers

· Getting students involved in amateur radio events

· Teaching students basics of electronics

· Responsibility of representing the amateur radio community at all levels

· Use of amateur radio for emergency communications

The proposal expands on these goals and includes a lot more information on how they will be accomplished, how the grant will further STEM education, estimates of students involved, benefits of performing such a program and much more. To read the entire proposal that was submitted to the ARRL Foundation by Tom on the behalf of the Old Barney Amateur Radio Club, click here.

After the application was submitted it was reviewed by the ARRL Foundation team and in December we were advised that we were receiving the grant. The grant and the funds associated with it were awarded to the Old Barney Amateur Radio Club. We will provide the equipment and personnel needed to carry out the goals we proposed.

Just prior to our January monthly meeting, Tom along with Rick Kennard, N2RPQ and Ira met with Cheryl Conley, W1CLC the SRHS teacher who heads the club program and Cassidy DeMasi the current SRHSARC president. At that time we informed them of the grant we received and together we formed a committee to follow out the implementation of the proposals. The committee, headed by Tom, will provide oversight to make sure all the grant rules are adhered to and proper documentation is maintained.

The HS club was very excited to learn about the grant and the opportunities it will afford them. Both the school’s principal and superintendent have visited the club during its last meeting and also expressed their support for the club and their appreciation to Old Barney for helping to foster such a great learning environment for their students to get to know amateur radio.

The Old Barney Amateur Radio Club deeply appreciates the ARRL Foundation for making these grants available and truly believes this type of program will go a long way to keep amateur radio alive for years to come.


Past President, Bob Schenck N2OO, Provides New Evidence to Investigators of the Hindenburg Disaster - (Posted: 05/21/2021)

Not to long ago Bob Schenck, N2OO was at a memorial service for the Hindenburg disaster. He approached Dan Grossman, a renowned expert on airships, and mentioned that he had a film of the disaster his Uncle Harold Schenck had taken when it happened. His uncle had offered the film up at the time but no one seemed interested so it was actually a surprise when Dan Grossman jumped all over the opportunity to view the film.

This film showed the disaster from a totally different angle than all the news footage had shown. With the help of this footage and experts around the world a new investigation was started on how the Hindenburg actually exploded and many questions appear to finally be answered.

NOVA, a documentary series by PBS TV, just aired the story on Wednesday evening at 9pm. It can still be viewed from the PBS TV web page at https://www.pbs.org/show/nova/

Urb LeJeune - Silent Key - (Posted: 01/27/2021)

The Old Barney Amateur Radio Club is saddened to annouce that one of their long time members, Urb LeJeune, became a silent key last Friday, Jan. 22nd. 

Urb was a lifelong educator and worked hard to help anyone interested to obtain their amateur radio license. Urb was also a very active VE with several teams throughout the state of NJ.

Urb was a charter member of the NJDXA and was also a member of several other amateur radio groups.

Urb touched many lives in the amateur community and will be missed by all who knew him.


Welcome to 2021! - (Posted: 01/02/2021)

The Executive Board of the Old Barney Amateur Radio Club would like to wish everyone a Happy New Year! 

The 2021 Executive Board:

  • Rick Kennard, N2RPQ - President
  • John Sawina, NA2R - Vice President
  • Ross Lambert, W2TT - Secretary
  • Mike Libonati, WA2ACV - Treasurer
  • Tom Preiser, N2XW - Trustee
  • Frank Piccolo, N2HWL - Trustee
  • Jim Neufell, K2GMT -Trustee

New Meeting Night Starting in 2020 - (Posted: 12/13/2019)

The meeting night for the club has been changed starting next month! We will now meet on the first Wednesday of each month.

Of course January has to be a little special. The first Wednesday is New Year's Day so we have arranged to have the January meeting on the 8th. 

We welcome anyone who would like to stop in and learn more about our club. 

OBARC sincerely wishes everyone a safe, healthy, and fun holiday season! See you all in 2020!

Field Day Traditions 1975-2019 - (Posted: 08/04/2019)

Down to the last seconds... - (Posted: 06/26/2019)

Field day is over. What a couple of days! I was working 20 meters as the end of field day was approaching. I thought I was done and then at 1359 hrs and 58 seconds I had a contact. Just a fun ending to a fun event. 

Bob, N2OO did an excellent job (as always) orchestrating another field day event. The use of the WYRS site this year seems to have worked out well. Ira, our new chief chef, and Mike, our hot dog vendor, kept the staff well fed. 

I got to spend most of the day there Sunday and enjoyed every minute of it. Rotating on and off of the 20 meter rig, working on some web site work, and helping the chefs out by eating the food (hey someone has to taste it)! It is always a pleasure working with all of you. I always find myself learning each time I am at an event. 

I know there was some concern prior to the event of how many members would be able to make the event. That proved to be not even a factor. Friday yielded 14 members, Sat 25 & Sunday 12. Thank you all for being there. I know Bob and the board appreciate everyone helping out.

I'm sure there are a lot more things that can be addressed and will be when the official review of field day is presented. The purpose of this piece was just to say thanks! Photos will be coming soon. Keep an eye on the web page for the new gallery page of photos that is being developed.


Rick, N2RPQ

OBARC changes location of Field Day for 2019 - (Posted: 06/05/2019)

At last night's Old Barney club meeting it was decided to make a change to our field day location for 2019.

WYRS has graciously offered their grounds to conduct field day at and we have decided to accept that offer. This will aide in increasing the ease of locating all the equipment we use during the day.

The new site is located at the end of Murphy Drive in West Creek.

If anyone should need more information please contact our field day chairman Bob Schenck, N2OO via email at n2oo@arrl.net.

Murray Goldberg, KD2IN - Silent Key - (Posted: 05/31/2019)

On Monday, May 27, 2019, Murray Goldberg, KD2IN became a silent key. Murray was a former OBARC member and a good friend to OBARC over the years.

Murray was also instrumental in ARES over the years

Rest in peace Murray!

Joe LaGanga, Jr, N1EZO - Silent Key - (Posted: 05/30/2019)

On Wednesday, May 15, 2019 club member Joe LaGanga passed on after a short illness. Joe was involved in the club's VE Testing team and was present at many testing sessions.

Rest in peace Joe!

OBARC Prepares for Field Day - (Posted: 05/14/2019)

The Old Barney Amateur Radio Club is preparing for Field Day. This year will mark the 45th consecutive year that OBARC has participated in field day. 

Field Day in the United States is the largest amateur radio event each year. It allows all amateur radio operators to prepare for emergency communication needs that may arise during any given number of potential situations.

Old Barney normally conducts its Field Day activities at the Wells Mills County Park on Wells Mills Road, Ocean Township in Ocean County, however a change of venue is being considered for this year and will be discussed at the next OBARC meeting to be held at the Pine Street community center in Manahawkin on Tuesday evening June 4th.

Join Our Weekly Net

The Old Barney weekly net is every Thursday at 7:30pm. Each week we pick a different random topic to discuss, along with swap and shop items anyone may wish to announce.

Find our net on the WU2E repeater 146.835(-600), PL 127.3.
All are welcome to join in.